Quantá Holden | Digital Communications Specialist
Each spring semester the English Department’s Creative Writing Committee awards three scholarships to undergraduate students for work done in one or more creative writing courses. Nominations are made by English faculty. Students must be eligible for financial aid to receive these scholarships.
William M. Blackburn Scholarship: Recognizes outstanding achievement in the field of creative writing. Established in 1962 by students and friends of Professor William Blackburn (1899-1969) who first began teaching creative writing at Duke.
Francis Pemberton Scholarship: Awarded to a junior or senior pursuing the study of creative writing. This scholarship was created by the Trustees of The Mary Duke Biddle Foundation in memory and in honor of Francis Pemberton's service to the Biddle Foundation.
Margaret Rose Knight Sanford Scholarship: Awarded to a female student who demonstrates particular promise in creative writing. This scholarship was established in recognition of the untiring efforts of Margaret Rose Knight Sanford on behalf of Duke University.
Congratulations to all of the 2020 winners!