Number | Title | Codes |
ENGLISH 290S-1 | Special Topics in Medieval and Early Modern Literature | |
ENGLISH 331S | Late Medieval Literature and Culture | CCI, EI, ALP, CZ |
ENGLISH 332S | Chaucer I | CCI, R, ALP |
ENGLISH 333 | Chaucer II | CCI, R, ALP |
ENGLISH 336 | Shakespeare through 1600 | EI, R, ALP |
ENGLISH 337 | Shakespeare After 1600 | EI, R, ALP |
ENGLISH 338S | Milton | EI, R, ALP |
ENGLISH 390-5 | Special Topics in Genre | |
ENGLISH 490 | Special Topics in Language and Literature | |
ENGLISH 490-7 | Special Topics in Literature and the Other Arts | |
ENGLISH 490S | Special Topics in Language and Literature | |
ENGLISH 490T | Tutorial (Area I, II, or III as determined by instructor) | |
ENGLISH 538S | Special Topics in Renaissance Prose and Poetry: 1500 to 1660 | R, ALP |
ENGLISH 590-1 | Special Topics I |