Special Topics in Creative Writing


A love letter to a novel character? A memoir in the style of a country song? An essay in the structure of a baseball game? Writing about your own writing? Students will experiment with creative nonfiction subject matter and form as they write about – and with – their favorite (or not-so-favorite) literature, visual art, music, film, tv, video games, sports, fashion, food – “art” interpreted in its broadest sense. Over the course of the semester, students will work on a series of creative exercises leading through workshops and revision to the production of around 20-25 pages of polished work. Along the way, we will read and discuss selected examples of published nonfiction to help us develop techniques for creating our own. No previous creative writing coursework is required for this course.

Topics vary each semester. See synopsis for more details.
Flyer for Spring '25 Creative Writing Courses
Typically Offered
Fall and/or Spring