Plays That Change the World


The goal of this creative writing course is for aspiring playwrights to think deeply about what—exactly—they are trying to do, and avoid, in their writing. What causes a play to be heavy-handed and propagandistic, as opposed to impassioned? How can students who believe deeply in a particular issue write artful drama about that issue? In what ways is theater similar—and dissimilar—to social protest in the streets? Students will be encouraged to experiment, question, and revise, at every turn.

This course will closely examine a diversity of plays that have had a marked impact on their cultures—an impact beyond an excellent and meaningful theater-going experience. Over the course of the semester, students will read—and watch—excellent political plays as well as write their own. They will write and develop their own full-length (60-90 page) script in addition to doing weekly creative responses to produced plays and other writing. Class discussion will be divided between focus on student work-in-progress, produced plays, and playwriting craft.

This course will examine plays that have had a marked impact on their cultures—an impact beyond an excellent and meaningful theater-going experience. Students will attend live theater on campus and in the Triangle as well as watching select filmed productions of plays. Whenever possible, playwrights, directors, and actors from these productions will speak directly to the class. Students will write and hold public readings of their own full-length plays.
Flyer for Spring '25 Creative Writing Courses
Curriculum Codes
  • EI
  • W
  • ALP
Typically Offered
Spring Only