Retired Vice Provost for Academic Services and Adjunct Professor of English, Duke University; before that, was director of Continuing Educationa and the Summer Session at D
Enabled me to obtain administrative posts and adjunct faculty positions at Duke; at age 81 am still active in D. H. Lawrence Studies internationally.
Books: D. H. Lawrence and the Devouring Mother: The Search for a Patriarchal Ideal of Leadership (Durham: Duke University Press, 1984) William Styron (New York: Ungar Books, 1987) Joseph Heller (New York: Ungar Books, 1991) Race and Identity in D. H. Lawrence: Indians, Gypsies, and Jews (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014) Passing Fancies in Jewish American Literature and Culture (Indiana University Press, 2019) (Nominated for a National Jewish Book Award) plus numerous articles, book chapters, and reviews.