Jill Ewing Flynn

Professor, University of Delaware

Class Year


Professional Background

After graduating from Duke with a double major in English and History, I went on to teach middle and high school English for nine years. I am now a teacher educator at the University of Delaware, where I teach English/Language Arts methods courses and mentor student teachers.

How has being an English graduate from Duke University helped shape your professional success?

I always wanted to be a teacher, but my very first English courses in my freshman year helped me determine what subject. I gained a strong background in writing and literary analysis, skills that I helped my secondary students in Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, and Minnesota hone as well.



Professional Projects:

My research and teaching interests include critical multicultural education and racial literacy, with a focus on how teachers can engage with students in productive discussions about race and culture in order to work toward social justice. A qualitative researcher, I co-edited a volume on hidden and suppressed narratives of women's experiences in academia (published 2018). https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-90590-7#about


Headshot of Jill Ewing Flynn