Melissa Joy Miller

Postdoctoral Scholar, USC Gould School of Law

Class Year


Professional Background

After graduating from Duke in 2010, I attended the UCLA School of Law. I received my J.D. in 2013, and I am currently an attorney and a Postdoctoral Scholar in mental health law and policy at the USC Gould School of Law.

How has being an English graduate from Duke University helped shape your professional success?

The English Department at Duke University taught me how to think both creatively and critically, to reason, and to ask questions, as well as the importance of asking others to do the same. As an attorney, my English degree has allowed me to read across cultural differences and understand a vast range of perspectives. As a scholar in mental health law, I am constantly applying the objective grounding and humanistic tools I developed in the Allen Building to make sense of and respond to the social and ethical dimensions of our countryäó»s mental health policies. In many ways, I credit the richness of my current intellectual and professional life to the values I defined and the knowledge I gained as a Duke University English graduate.

Melissa Joy Miller